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Natures Interbreed 


A collection inspired by hybrid evolution with Celtic undertones. I researched my family history which dated to bronze age Celtic clans in Yorkshire and looking specifically at traditional Celtic spirit animals. Later on i felt a more biological influence, looking into skin cells, pigmentation and undertones. The idea that humans would soon evolve to the mercy of nature became the central theory. I also wanted to keep a sense of authenticity and sabotage, leading me to a strong sense of advocacy for the environment and the spiritual urge to protect nature. All ofthe knot techniques are ancient plait designs from Sweden and UK, and then hand weaved into garments

I have always had a fascination with fear and power. Combined with the primitive slight animalistic feel of this final project, I felt the contrast of aggressive purity we see in nature is what is vital in the progression of human society. There is an eleganceand unfathomable complexity in growth and evolution, but we forget its untameable need to thrive amongst our ego. I fear nature as much as I do love it, and have no doubt the rest of life shall never truly die – we are slowly killing ourselves with our foolishness. The potential future we could have with this world is truly worth fighting for. 

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